It’s a weird time to be alive, that’s for sure. That’s been my motto for 2020 so far.
- We lost Kobe Bryant which devastated the entire world and almost crashed the internet
- Tom Brady left the Patriots
- For my Carolina people – by choice or by force, the entire Panthers football team decided to hit the road, including the good ol’ coach
- And now on a much more serious note, we’re in the midst of a global viral pandemic that is unlike anything we have ever seen before
My heart goes out to everyone affected. We are witnessing history being made in this current moment. An enemy without a face has invaded our country and is taking lives. It does not discriminate. It has affected people from all walks of life whether it be physically, financially, psychologically, etc. It has forced us all to stop in our day-to-day tracks and completely change how we do life. We are all required, by law now in most places, to practice social distancing and to self quarantine. Businesses are having to close down and restaurants are having to adjust their services to offer drive-through and take-out only. There is a ration on bottled water, toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Like I said, it’s just a weird time to be alive. Not only do we have to worry about potentially getting this virus and dying, but we’re also having to worry about our crippling economy and the threat of losing our jobs. Putting it mildly, nothing is normal right now, and it may be a while before we get back to a sense of normal. BUT, in the meantime, below are six things I do to KEEP CALM IN THE CHAOS, now and always.
- Keep your routine
You’ve heard people use the term “staycation.” Delete those words from your brain if you want to stay positive and move ahead. If you use this time period as a vacation and start to get lazy, then you will be miles behind. This is true in business in terms of your competition, and in a personal sense, as all you’ve worked hard for to get you where you are today could be jeopardized. Taking this as a staycation will get you behind on your goals, but using this time wisely can get you ahead of the game. Keep moving. Keep going. Keep pushing.
- Plan your day
This is a part of my normal routine, so I would suggest doing this with or without chaos because it certainly helps me feel less like a walking zombie. If I have a plan, then I have less thinking to do in actuality.
This includes planning your meals, snacks, and activities.
Make a meal plan for the week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including snacks also.
Plan what activities you are going to do with your children during the day so they can continue to learn and grow.
Plan your exercise routine for the day.
Plan time to check in with your family and friends. This is crucial now more than ever!
Here’s the hardest part of that: STICK TO THE PLAN!
- Control what you can and forget the rest
This is so important. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed or stressed, ask yourself, “Can I change the outcome of this?” If the answer is no, then there is no point in letting it bother you. I’m not saying you shouldn’t take this seriously. But do the things that are within your control such as all of the recommended health and safety tips you’ve been hearing.
My absolute favorite mantra to live by is, “It will work out and if it doesn’t, then it wasn’t meant to be.” I live that everyday.
On the other hand, if you can change the outcome of whatever is overwhelming you or stressing you, then DO IT.

- Research for truth, or better yet just turn the news off.
With news and technology readily available and at our fingertips, it is so easy to read or hear something and take it as truth. I try not to watch the news or regular television at all. Thank God Disney+ doesn’t have commercials! I’m very selective about what I feed my brain because it will absorb whatever I give it. I research religiously what I read on facebook and get validity before I reiterate what was said. Save the drama for ya mama! I only want facts running my mind. Facts matter and words matter.
- Be active
It costs zero dollars to walk in your neighborhood. Move your booty. Be active. Exercise is said to enhance your mood. Are you one of those people who use lack of time as an excuse to not work out? Well, no excuses now because you literally have all the time in the world! Right now several places are offering free streaming of workouts, so take advantage of that.
- Be grateful for what you have
Times like these, when people are losing their jobs, getting furloughed, or hours are being cut, it is so easy to get down and feel anxious. Remind yourself and be grateful for what you do have because I promise you, no matter how bad you think you have it- someone right now has it worse. Appreciate the little things. For instance, I’m grateful this happened after the time changed, so I have time to walk a couple miles with my daughter after work. I’m grateful I have a husband and daughter to come home to. Even though a rainy day does not help lift moods, it does wash away springtime pollen, doesn’t it? Be grateful for that.

My point is, we have no choice but to try and find some hidden silver linings in what is no doubt, the most challenging, paralyzing events we have experienced in our lifetimes. Doing each of our parts to keep calm will pay off when this mess is finally over with.