It’s Just a Road. You’ve got this. You know what to do.

Oct, 08, 2020
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Without fail, when I am driving somewhere new, I always sit on the edge of my seat with the radio off. I don’t want to be talked to. I just want to concentrate. I hesitate before making any decisions and I start second guessing the motions I do routinely. Can I turn right on red here? Is this a one-way street? Red means “stop”, right? Green means “go”? Without a doubt, I pay more attention to what I am doing. 

I have to stop to tell myself, “It’s just a road”. Even though it’s unfamiliar and I’ve never driven here before, I tell myself, “You’ve got this. You know what to do.” 

I put a mental block up around everything except the task at hand to push through to the destination. 

On the other hand, have you ever driven all the way home from work and thought, “Wow. How did I get here?” When you’re on a familiar path and doing things on autopilot without change, you get to the same location.  Remember though, that at some point, you once had to learn this route also.

The same concept can be applied to anything you do in life, especially reaching goals that are new or that seem unattainable. 

We often get caught in just rolling through the motions of daily life without change- like a hamster in a running wheel. 

It’s not until we make change that we actually get to where we want to go. Small tasks often don’t seem achievable, like driving in an unfamiliar place, but you just have to push through the uncomfortable to reach whatever it is you’re reaching for.  You may end up taking a wrong turn or getting lost a time or two, but eventually you always get there.  Keep that same principal in mind as you’re venturing onto new things in life whether that be a new job, new relationship, new starts in general.

It’s just a road- right? You’ve got this. You know what to do.

It’s just a small step to reach your goal. You’ve got this. You know what to do.

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