Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Around this time of year you hear people saying the word “lucky” a lot. Majority of the people are also wearing green so they don’t get pinched and shirts displaying the word LUCKY. I have absolutely nothing against the holiday and I myself will wear green so I don’t get red marks on my arm from all the pinching that will happen if I don’t. But I do not like the word lucky and here is why…
Oftentimes, I hear people say “you are so lucky” about literally anything. Every time I hear it, internally I’m rolling my eyes. OK. I probably actually roll my eyes or if we are really close, then I’ll tell you I hate that word.
I am not lucky. You are not lucky. We are all dealt bad cards in life, at some point. That is reality. I am not lucky because of my job, car, husband, house, etc. I have worked hard my entire life for everything I have.

They are so lucky because they get to travel the world. I wish I could…
The person you see going on vacation after vacation may be ocean deep in debt.
They are so lucky because they are happy in love, everyday. I wish I was…
The person who has a happy social media marriage may be teetering on the verge of divorce.
They are so lucky because they have a solid relationship with GOD. I wish I could…
The person preaching about religion may have more sins they care to talk about daily.
They are so lucky because they have such a fit body. I wish I did…
The person you see at the gym who looks super fit may have an eating disorder or other body issues..
The way I see it, we all have two options:
- Spend all your time obsessing or being envious over “how lucky” other people are or what other people have
- Forget about other people and start obsessing and focusing more on how you can get what you want
With the increased use of social media, it is so easy to get caught up in the highlight reels of others’ lives without investing enough focus and energy on your own life. Luck is all in your head. Do you agree or disagree? Let me hear from you!